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the beauty of deep winter living by a lake

I guess I started my training for an introverted homebody at a young age. when your favorite hobby as a kid is sewing you learn that what you want to do for fun isn't what most any of your friends find fun. who knew this training would come in handy as we experience the deep winter by the lake.

the days may be getting longer but winter is proudly reminding us that it is here to stay for a little while. the winds off the lake wildly whipping through the leafless trees, the single digit temperatures nibbling at our faces and the stillness of being the only occupied house on the street is definitely flaunting deep winter vibes.

deep winter vibes

in deep winter there are naturally less distractions as the holiday gatherings have passed. the winter solstice signals things will be changing but it seems like a tease because it's barely noticable. the temperatures continue to test their lowest limits and most everything has a feeling of heaviness and stuckness to them.

although this is our second winter at the lake it is the first one I'm enjoying. this year I'm doing things differently. last year, while rebuilding our loft, I was a passenger for the emotional ride of deep winter and this year I'm driving, choosing to find the beauty in this season.

framework for fun

thanks to my framework for fun that was built as a kid I'm able to find ways to keep my mind stimulated and entertained despite the cold, dark and ultra quiet surroundings. sewing and any activity of making things engages my hands and gets my mind in a flow state. being in my flow challenges and excites me which sets up a mental foundation that enables me to see more of the beauty of the deep winter season.

beauty of deep winter

when I focus on experiencing the present moment there's actually quite a bit of beauty of deep winter that I can choose to embrace:

getting to experience our property and barn in a new view

embracing being in my pjs by 6:00pm along with the silence + stillness, all of which I’ll be craving come end of summer

having the focused time to nest, declutter and organize to choose to benefit from the impact of our surroundings

extra long coffee + cuddle time

being in awe of natural glitter that's magically created from glistening snow softly hanging onto the jagged nature landscape

inspiration to create cozy nooks like updating our closet room to double as a workout area and encourage necessary movement

building winter fires and the cozy conversations that happen when its just us

watching the lake transistion through its natural rythyms and appreciating it too seems to fight the winter; displaying rough waters before giving in and transforming into a serene new playground

spontaneous walks with forrest initiated by the sunshine when it decides to say hi

lessons learned in deep winter

although there's beauty to be found in the deep winter season, I'm grateful it's the shortest of them all, at least in my world. it's a good reminder that nothing is permanent because as soon as I get my head wrapped around this season it seems pre-summer is dripping hints.

deep winter gives me yet another opportunity to learn and respect my rhythms. my personal energy follows nature and what better time to reset and recharge than when everything else is. I'm no robot and without rest breaks I'm a mess. deep winter restores the energy I will undoubtably be wanting come spring and summer.

this deep winter in 2025 specifically has allowed me the chance to further reinfornce the fact that my mood can be inspired by but not totally dependent on the weather. it took a tiny bit of forethought and mental preparation and it's been a thousand times worth it.

despite the challenges I believe it's the natural solitary vibes of deep winter that highlight our subtle patterning. its the decreased distractions and somewhat empty space that allows us to truly experience the present moment, to make intentional decisions, and take effective action to create respectful rhythms. and that's how we build a beautiful life.


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