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russ + terrie

Russ + Terrie were our neighbors at the cottage. they owned the one right across the road and were so much fun to hang out with on and off the water. they loved our pup, Orrick, like he was their own and he'd run over for his bacon snack in the mornings. after full days of dock lounging we'd regularly have dinners with them and fun nights hanging around the campfire. we'd talk about all the things, including wanting to live up on the lake full time.

they spent so much of their time remodeling their cottage and had it setup so ideally. I would drool over their place as I looked out from our cottage window to theirs feeling all the inspiration of an adorable lake place.

Sept. 2022 will stick in my mind for many, many years. it was the biggest lesson I've went through, so far, in learning that life is both painfully hard and amazingly beautiful; simultaneously.

this is the time I get a call from Terrie that they want to sell their cottage to us if we want it...amazingly beautiful. it was no coincidence that is was the same week we ended up having to watch our first pup leave us...painfully hard.

they loved their cottage and all the updates they've done and fun times they'd have coming up to the lake. especially since Terrie grew up on this lake and always dreamed of having a place of her own here one day. So cool and inspiring to see them actively working on dream that started many years prior.

but they were feeling the drain of working full time at their home and then spending their weekends working on their cottage projects. plus they were missing their grandkids sports games and weekend events each time they were at the lake. they were in a little tug of war with their time and energy and it was time to make a decision.

so with about as little effort as one could imagine we wholeheartedly embraced the generous offer Russ + Terrie extended to us. it just fit for the life story we were writing. the timing, the setup, the location.


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