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morning meeting to moving smaller

checklist for downsizing and moving smaller

we had made the decision to move to Michigan a couple of months ago but the action to work towards that decision was pretty stagnant. this could have been from the holidays or avoidance of a big life change or a little of both ??

either way the lack of doing anything to prep for a move was starting to create lots of tension between us. so this particular saturday morning [early jan. 2023] we decided to use our coffee time to create a plan to meld our two very different perspectives as we downsized for moving smaller.

we talked about what had to be done and having a big picture view [me] and a all the tiny tasks view [bob] turned out to be a really good combo. bob organized the action plan and felt good about having things to mark off. while I benefited from having a big task broken down into smaller sections. we also chatted about our options of a pod vs storage unit and got some clarity around that.

now we could both see what had to be done and could start fitting some of these things into our winter evenings. and how that worked out in the days before...


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